It has been a few days since my last blog ... Ive been thinking long and hard about this subject. I feel that body image is an epidemic! I know that this isnt a "News Flash" BUT it really has been a subject that has been on my mind. I personally dont know anyone, male or female, that has not struggled with it. If you really think about it ... Do you know anyone who has not had an issue with either feeling too fat or too skinny (what would that be like? see there I go!! :)), too weak, too flabby, too flat, too jiggly ect., ect.?? ... I mean the list goes ON AND ON! How many people eat something throughout the day, or week, and are mad at themselves because it wasnt the best choice for them?? How many people wake up every morning and say to themselves "today is the day that Im going to start working out" ... and fail to do so?? I feel EVERYONE struggles with these issues, if not always, then at some time or another in their lives.
There are soooo many quick fixes out there that people are so quick to spend their money on because they hope that it will help them to not feel "THAT WAY" about themselves. There are so many companies and individuals making money off of this epidemic, that I feel we have, and there truly is NO. QUICK. FIX.!! You have got to DO. THE. WORK.!!
Truth is that we are all in this epidemic together and NO. ONE. IS. PERFECT.!! Only a handful of people "GET IT" and even a smaller handful actually do something about it ... I feel mostly because people have no clue where to begin ~ and lord knows that the beginning is always the hardest! I feel that everyone has a perfect image of themselves ~ but ... Is it really perfect?? ~ Is this image really doable?? Perfect to me, finally, is being comfortable in my own skin which includes working out not only to feel great but to also feel more confident about myself. Exercise gives me confidence and adrenaline like nothing else can! ... I feed off of that! :) I also workout to strengthen the most important muscle in my body ... MY. HEART.!! Without my heart being in shape .. I wouldnt be able to do anything! ;)
It has taken me YEARS to "GET IT" ... And Im still working on it daily! I have always tried to do something 'about it' but had failed over and over throughout the years. I have learned that until you mentally get yourself together ~ physically YOU WONT get it together! ~ Its a package deal! I believe the epidemic is 90% mental and 10% physical. (I havent done any research on this .. these are ONLY my thoughts ... I am speaking only from my own personal experience and belief.)
Everyone struggles with this epidemic!! ~ Its pretty sad! BUT if you think about all of the GOOD that comes out of working out ~ YOU. CANT. GO. WRONG.! ~ That is, as long as you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons! :) If you can make it a habit ~ It will then become a lifestyle that will no longer feel like a chore!
There is no 'quick fix' for this epidemic, and there probably never will be, but I believe that if you do the work, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY, you will feel better about yourself! ~ Being comfortable in your own skin is PRICELESS!
"Believe in Yourself" so therefore you can "Live the Life You Love"! ... Lets get rid of this epidemic one POSITIVE. THOUGHT. about YOURSELF at a time!! :)