Thursday, September 27, 2012



Week 89 ~ DOWN!! 9.27.2012

                                 So today I just wrapped up week 89 of "Bustin My Ass"!!  Can I get a high five! :)  Its crazy how once you make something a habit it becomes second nature ... Well kind of!  I still struggle with motivation some days, but I get thru it!  This is my life now... NO. LOOKING. BACK.!!  Ive sold most of my clothing, that were too big on me, on CL, and have also resized my wedding ring to a much smaller size! ~ NO. GOING. BACK. FOR. ME.!  Selling my larger jeans and other articles of clothing, that I used to love, was HUGE for me ... I used to keep all of my different size clothing 'just in case' I put weight back on.... But again ~ NO. GOING. BACK. FOR. ME.!  Ive actually met some really nice women, thru Craigs List, that have come to buy my stuff .   And the really cool thing is that Ive even motivated a couple of them to make that change in theirselves that they have been wanting to do but havent had the drive or motivaton to do so.  I like to tell them my story... It gives me motivation in return, and it also lets them see that anything is possible at any age.  The more I talk about it, and share on FB or my BLOG, the more motivaton I FEEL!! ;)

                               Lookout weeks 90 - 100 ~ Here I come!!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Im Bringing Sexy .. BACK! ;)

                        Just for fun, yesterday I had my son snap a picture of my Back.  Im always posting pictures of my arms, but there are sooo many other muscles in my body that have developed and changed over the last 86 weeks.

                        PUSH-UPS and PLANK STYLE EXERCISES do amazing things to the WHOLE. BODY.!!  What amazes me the most, about the above photo, is how you can see my tricep muscle go all the way down to my elbow! ~ CRAZY!! :)


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

SORE. ~ The Self Inflicted ... Most Satisfying Pain!

Week 86 ~ 09.04.2012
                 86 Weeks ago I started kicking up my workouts to a WHOLE. NEW. LEVEL. and COMPLETELY. CHANGED. my body one S.O.R.E. week at a time!

                  I seriously have been sore for the last 86 weeks of my life! ... At least 3-4 days, out of the seven days in a week, one or more muscles in my body has been SORE!!  There have even been days when EVERY MUSCLE in my body has been sore at the same time! UGH!! ~ Those days are brutal! BUT ... I have to say that it may be painful, but it is THE. MOST .SATISFYING. PAIN. EVER! :) (That is, besides childbirth!) ;)

                  When you feel sore after a workout .. you know that you had a GOOD.ONE.!  And from good workouts, and soreness, comes change ~ change in your body that you are working so hard to achieve. 

                   I have been sore for 86 weeks and counting and have the photos to prove that SORE. IS. THE. MOST. SATISFYING. SELF. INFLICTED. PAIN.!! :)
Week 12 ~ 03.29.2011 vs. Week 34 ~ 08.30.2011 (1year ago) vs. Week 86 ~ 09.04.2012
86 WEEKS and COUNTING!! :)