Week 89 ~ DOWN!! 9.27.2012 |
So today I just wrapped up week 89 of "Bustin My Ass"!! Can I get a high five! :) Its crazy how once you make something a habit it becomes second nature ... Well kind of! I still struggle with motivation some days, but I get thru it! This is my life now... NO. LOOKING. BACK.!! Ive sold most of my clothing, that were too big on me, on CL, and have also resized my wedding ring to a much smaller size! ~ NO. GOING. BACK. FOR. ME.! Selling my larger jeans and other articles of clothing, that I used to love, was HUGE for me ... I used to keep all of my different size clothing 'just in case' I put weight back on.... But again ~ NO. GOING. BACK. FOR. ME.! Ive actually met some really nice women, thru Craigs List, that have come to buy my stuff . And the really cool thing is that Ive even motivated a couple of them to make that change in theirselves that they have been wanting to do but havent had the drive or motivaton to do so. I like to tell them my story... It gives me motivation in return, and it also lets them see that anything is possible at any age. The more I talk about it, and share on FB or my BLOG, the more motivaton I FEEL!! ;)
Lookout weeks 90 - 100 ~ Here I come!!