Thursday, August 2, 2012

Those Dreaded ~ "Im Just Not Feeling It" ~ Dayz!

               Just like with most things in life, I find that with working out, you HAVE. TO. take the GOOD. DAYS. along with the BAD. DAYS.! 
               I know its hard to believe, but I dont wake up everyday and have a huge desire to workout! (lol!)  Dont get me wrong, I do SOMEDAYS ...  but NOT. EVERYDAY.!!  Somedays I wake up and Im like 'Im so going to dominate this treadmill today' OR I have so much energy that I cant wait to get to class so that I can KICK. SOME. BUTT.!  Then there are the DREADED. DAYS. that I get up and call the treadmill a filthy name, which I wont disclose, (Ive nicknamed the treadmill 'THE. DREADMILL.' for days like these!) OR I just know that when I get to class, that within 10 minutes, Im going to be DYING cause "Im just not feeling it"!  Im sure the fact that Im 42 years old plays a huge part in the "Im just not feeling it" days ...  But none.the.less. I. WORKOUT. ANYWAYS.!!  The crazy thing is that sometimes I find that the days that "Im just not feeing it" before I workout .. I end up having one of my best workouts of the week!! ~ I love it when that happens! :)

               YOU. HAVE. TO. make yourself workout on those "Im just not feeling it" days or its not going to happen.  You are the ONLY. ONE. that can make it happen ~ and you will be SO. GLAD. that you did!!  Im pretty damn sure that NO. ONE. has ever regreted a workout ~ I know for a fact that I. HAVENT.!! :)

               Nothing comes easy in life ~ YOU. HAVE. TO. WORK. FOR. IT!! ~ Even on those days that "IM. JUST. NOT. FEELING. IT."!!


  1. The day I met you had been a hard day for me. I was down emotionally and your story was just what the doctor ordered. And those shoes were just what I needed! Today I RAN on the treadmill! 5.3 mph! It felt great! The shoes helped me adjust my gait. Thank you Lori!!!

    1. Your Welcome Colleen!! ~ Im so glad those shoes worked out for you! High five on the running ... You go girl! I knew you could do it! Keep up the amazing work and you will see even more of a difference, in yourself, in no time! Remember ~ you have to take the good days with the bad days! :) Continue to keep me posted on our progress ~ I love hearing it!
